The Navigator in Transformation:
Who, what and how he is
Like Nutella: the good in it is the good in it
Leading in profiling, attention, marketing success:
For your image of Jon Christoph Berndt®
Those who actively help shape the future have a better understanding of what will come and what they are committing to; and proactively shape their own future. As a company or organization, just as much as a reflective individual. But where to start and what to do in a time with far too many possibilities?
JCB is the navigator in the transformation. He delivers refreshing calls to action for moving forward now. He brings this conviction to large and small stages with strong opinions, exemplary insights, and practical relevance. He doesn’t speak to his participants, but with them – engaging them constructively and as equals. “He’s talking about me!” Exactly, who else?
As an executive coach, he accompanies strong personalities on their entire journey to becoming the best version of themselves. This way, they know exactly what they need to be distinctively future-ready – and they get started! JCB raises awareness that everyone must shape their own future, for example, through Human Branding.
JCB doesn’t offer standard, one-size-fits-all lectures and workshops, because his audience isn’t one-size-fits-all either. That’s why every gig is a meticulously prepared one-of-a-kind experience. His other belief: “Those who laugh, learn!” In a humorous way, he delivers compelling arguments for new thinking and actions in agile, future-proof companies. With a focus on the people who must lead the way with enthusiasm and inspire others—especially in these digital times. Only those who feel, think, and act this way will be successful. These trailblazers make themselves, their companies, and organizations #futureready and rightfully earn their share of the “hardest currency in the world”: genuine, appreciative attention. They create purpose, gain attention, and sell better — in the right way. Revenue and profit must align in two ways in the future: financially and ideologically.
JCB ensures today that this will be the reality tomorrow.
He is frequently featured in the media and the author of numerous non-fiction books and guides. (His readers appreciate that he writes everything himself…) And with Brandamazing Management Consultancy in Munich, he provides companies and their employees with greater profile, attention, and marketing success.
JCB is the leading specialist in profiling, attention, and marketing success. He works globally, in both German and English.
JCB writes
In his own words
What am I competing for?
An impactful “About” page and a strong first impression must include what my core beliefs are. They are embodied in what I consider my most important quote: “Those who are moved, move.” This is what I stand for, in a bold, personal, polarizing, and active way. And wherever I am, there is serious laughter.
I’m committed to
- finally giving all the talk about agility, disruption, and transformation a face, instead of just talking about it endlessly.
- leading people out of their “could have,” “might,” and “would” mindset, and into conscious, planned, and consistent action.
- inspire people so that they inspire others.
- effectively countering the madness of faster, higher, further with purpose and substance.
- turning potential customers into loyal clients, and then into passionate fans.
- making companies and freelancers future-proof: they become future-ready.
Those who walk with me are as serious about it as I am. They will learn and grow—through themselves, through me, and through others. And they will realize that all of this is a lot of fun.
Why am I a speaker?
People open up to new, uncomfortable, and surprising ideas, especially when they are both moved and provoked. In that moment, their facial expression says, “He’s talking about me!” I then say: Of course, who else? That is my mission – to touch people, live and without a safety net. To pull them out of their comfort zone, away from “actually” and “maybe,” from thinking outside the box to acting outside the box. The actor on television prefers performing on stage even more. There, he immediately gets the full range of audience reactions — from “Bravo!” to “Boo!” Every reaction is a good one, even for me. I polarize; the comfort zone is elsewhere, and every reaction stirs movement. I am a keynote speaker because I inspire people to think and act for themselves. And to stop just talking about being “disruptive” and “transformative,” and finally start being it!
Why am I a trainer?
Valuable insights that drive progress must truly be internalized and cultivated over the long term. Only when this succeeds can behavior changes be lasting, people truly move forward faster, and the better way endure. A keynote speech and an impulse workshop play a crucial role in this; they create impact, break down barriers, and spark motivation. For departure and change to not be fleeting (or even a one-hit wonder), continuous training is necessary. This training must be tailored to the diverse individuals within the organization, considering their unique situations and challenges.
Once started, the institutionalized and professionalized support for change must never stop. It secures results and makes them measurable, continuously sets new goals, and ensures that both the individual and the organization have a rightful opportunity to become the best version of themselves. This advancement is as fascinating to me as it is continually challenging. I embrace it – as part of my calling. The customer feels this.
Why am I a coach?
The human being is – not despite, but precisely because of the developments surrounding algorithms, artificial intelligence, and robotics – always the most important factor. And always will be. To discover which path is truly best for him (and to clarify that all other possible paths aren’t right for him), he needs a sparring partner on equal footing—someone who understands, reflects, challenges, and supports him. It’s not about the perfect image – it’s about the most personal one.
I am a coach because I want my clients to find their path and purpose more easily and quickly than I did. Looking back, I would have wished, from time to time, for that one person who would walk with me, occasionally lead the way, challenge me, and encourage me. For many people with demanding careers and in leadership positions, I am the right person for this role. Whether Coaching , Executive Coaching or Personal Branding .
What is my path in life?
The “About Me” page needs to include the personal story. It begins in the Palatinate, where I grew up as sheltered as I was happy and content: playing in the mud (not on a PlayStation), riding my Bonanza bike to school (not in an SUV), and having to be home when the streetlights came on (not when the phone rang). I ride a Zündapp moped and work at the local newspaper out of my love for writing. I write about the top topics: 1) City council, 2) Rock concerts, 3) Gardening club; always with a photo, developed by myself. You get to know your readers; many love everything you write, from the first sentence to the last word, and are thrilled when a great article about them appears. Sooner or later, that always happens… And I work as a film projectionist, out of my love for cinema: showing movies like “Ghostbusters” (I still know the song by heart), “Indiana Jones,” and “Dirty Dancing” (especially that song).
Everything great so far. That’s why the idea came up: Maybe move to Munich, to attend the German School of Journalism? The big step, 35 places for 900 applicants, I’m in! My teachers include Günther Jauch and Giovanni di Lorenzo themselves: personable in their interactions, unwavering in their principles, and with every tip, making the tough training worth it. I work with amazing people at Süddeutsche Zeitung, Brigitte, and Südwestfunk Television. Then came architecture studies, which I quickly dropped, preferring to complete my degrees in political science and journalism.
And off I go, into the world of advertising! To Düsseldorf to Michael Schirner – great person, at that time the “advertising pope”. As a copywriter, conceptual designer, consultant. For customers like the Post Office, Nikon, Schweppes, Honda, Stern … And I got my first own e-mail address! For a few years, it’s perfect, but then comes the question of purpose: Always just that one idea, that one line in a 30-second commercial, ads in Der Spiegel, brochures for readers in 8 world languages… Stay or go? This is followed by life as an ad man in Hamburg, New York, and Frankfurt.
2 very central questions move me to the next, most important step:
- What comes before all the advertising, marketing, communication? How do you find the foundation on which a company stands and justifies its existence? The “what for” (the “Purpose”) makes this clear and obvious. In the past, people used to say “brand” (they still can do so today – or some say “identity”).
- What is far more important than the fancy buildings, the sleek company cars, the products and services? It is the people! They should know, want, and be able to make the purpose of the company they work for tangible and desirable. Be a brand ambassador, tell powerful stories based on their entire experience and with their own “why” – their Human Brand. They create the valuable content, the true content that touches and makes desirable.
This leads to my call to action: 2005 the foundation of Brandamazing Management and Brand Consultancy in Munich. The focus areas are:
- profiling and branding work, as well as purpose development for companies such as Union Investment, Swiss Life Select, Bauerfeind, and Wolf-Garten.
- empowering employees to become brand ambassadors and enabling them to become the best version of themselves. In both their professional and personal lives; throught Keynote Speeches , Workshops , Training and Coaching .
(Tip: My readers can find more about me text in my books and – just like my non-readers – on LinkedIn .)
More from Jon Christoph Berndt
With the power of clear positioning, I support companies and individuals in their transformation – for sustainable profit and fun at work. (I answer the phone myself :-))
The strategic brand consultancy
Genuine brand work with a clear brand strategy, both digital and offline, ensures that your corporate brands will be successful in the future. It’s essential! JCB, through the branding consultancy Brandamazing in Munich, ensures that your company is well-positioned, recognizable, and successful.
Inspiring keynote speeches
A good speech is a valuable gift. To be enthusiastically received, it should be carefully chosen and presented. It must not be boring. JCB speaks on topics such as brand success, human branding, attention, sales, and social contribution. Always tailored individually to your occasion and content.